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Young people in Burkina Faso appear to boycott the Kemi Seba meeting.

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso In the wake of intensifying anti-Western and anti-United Nations demonstrations in Burkina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou, renowned pan-Africanist and activist Kemi Seba has traveled to the country to engage with junta leader Ibrahim Traoré and his supporters. Seba’s visit comes amidst significant controversy, as he faces accusations of promoting Russian policy in Africa, especially in French-speaking nations.

image 6 AFRIZUM

During a press conference, Seba firmly rejected these accusations, emphasizing his commitment to fighting any form of neo-colonialism, including from Russia. “To the Russian authorities, I made a speech saying that if Russia makes the mistake of wanting to reproduce the same neo-colonial schemes in Africa that France committed, we would fight Russia,” Seba asserted. He criticized the display of Russian flags at African demonstrations, stating, “I am one of the rare people who oppose the raising of the Russian flag at demonstrations in Africa. When we do that, we humiliate ourselves. You won’t see Burkina Faso flags being waved at demonstrations in Russia, so we too must learn to avoid them.”

However, Seba’s anticipated meeting with young supporters on Saturday in Ouagadougou did not proceed as planned, leading to significant disappointment among attendees. Kader Zongo, a young Burkinabé, expressed frustration after waiting for hours without any communication about the meeting’s cancellation. “We’ve been here since 2 pm and we’ve been waiting for two or three hours. And in the end, they came to tell us that the conference won’t be taking place. It’s really a total disappointment,” Zongo remarked.

This incident underscores a broader sentiment of disillusionment among Burkina Faso’s youth, who see a stark disconnect between pan-African ideals and their lived realities. As many young Burkinabé risk their lives in perilous attempts to reach Europe, they attribute this desperation to the lack of local opportunities and ineffective leadership. “What are our leaders offering young people who decide to brave the waters to go to the West? The problem here is that what these young people don’t find here pushes them to brave the ocean,” Zongo pointed out.

The youth in Burkina Faso are calling for substantive changes from their government Kemi Seba, including:

Investment in Local Opportunities They urge the authorities to implement programs that provide viable economic opportunities within the country, thereby reducing the need for migration.

Agricultural Development in Burkina Faso

Given that 80% of the population is involved in farming, there is a strong demand for enhanced agricultural policies and support.

Combating Corruption: Addressing corruption and favoritism in state institutions is critical for equitable resource distribution and creating a fair environment for all citizens.

Zongo emphasized the need for African leaders to foster genuine sovereignty and self-reliance to instill hope in the younger generation. “African leaders must take steps towards total sovereignty for African countries, which will give even more hope to young people,” he urged.

As Burkina Faso grapples with political unrest and social challenges, the youth’s demands for tangible improvements highlight the urgent need for actionable governance that aligns with the aspirations of the country’s population. Seba’s visit and the subsequent reactions reflect the broader struggle for a more self-sufficient and hopeful future for Burkina Faso.

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